Daily Prayer to the Holy Spirit


Fill my heart with your holy gifts

Come Holy Spirit, fill my heart with your holy gifts.

Let my weakness be penetrated with your strength this very day,

that I may fulfill all my duties conscientiously,

and that I may do what is right and just.

Let my love be such that I may offend no one, nor hurt their feelings.

May my generosity pardon any wrong done to me.

Assist me, 0 Holy Spirit, in all my trials of life;

enlighten me in your ways, advise me in my doubts,

strengthen me in my weakness,

help me in all my needs,

protect me in temptations,

and console me in afflictions.

Graciously hear me, 0 Holy Spirit,

and pour your light into my heart, my soul, and my mind.

Help me to live a holy life

and to grow in goodness and grace.


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